Friday, April 30, 2010


One of the students in our classroom built this road and building with blocks.

I - Making and Building Models
K - Pretending

Thursday, April 22, 2010

10 Black Dots

"Monster with T-Rex babies."

"14 Dinosaur eggs."

"Sponge Bob is eating these cookies."

Counting the dots.


We read the book 10 Black Dots by Donald Crews. Then during small group each student got 10 black dots to create a picture.

J - Drawing and Painting Pictures
S - Using Complex Patterns of Speech
BB - Counting

Math Documentation

I got to share my classroom blog with the other preschool teachers. Here are a few pictures from that event.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Iowa Western Health Fair

At the Physical Therapy Station the students got to try out crutches, walkers, and a wheel chair. We counted how many steps it took them to get from on line to the other.

Ernie the ERV - Talked about how Red Cross helps us in Emergencies. We counted the lights on Ernie.

They talked to us about some of the things doctors use to help you get better when you are sick.

Looking at a X-Ray of a hand. We counted how many fingers the X-Ray had.

911 Simulator. The students dialed the numbers 911 on the phone.

STOP, DROP, and ROLL. The students pretended their clothes were on fire and had to roll to put the fire out.

Scrubby Bear - Taught us how to wash our hands.

Football Safety. The football players talked to us about how they wear helmets and shoulder pads to keep them safe.

They talked to us about how to safely cross the street.

A Whale we saw at the Health Fair. He talked about water safety.

IWCC Mascot.

A Puppy to teach us Pet Safety. How we need to ask our Mom or Dad if we can pet the puppy.

We went on our field trip to the Iowa Western Health Fair. There were several different booths around the gym. Some of the stations we visited included: ID Bracelets, Physical Therapy (wheel chair, crutches, etc.), 911 Simulator, Casting, Sun Safety, Radiology (X-Rays), Pet Safety, Red Cross - Scrubby Bear, and Fire Safety (Stop, Drop, & Roll).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Measuring with Rulers

He is measuring the sand timers.

He is measuring the Lego's.

During work time two students got rulers and started measuring toys.

COR: AA - Comparing Properties

Iowa Early Learning Standard: 11.6 - Measurement

NAEYC: 2.F.05 - Children are provided varied opportunities and materials that help them understand the concept of measurement by using standard and non-standard units of measurement.