Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shape Caterpillars

During small group time the students were given 10 circle and 10 rectangles. We talked about each shape and that a rectangle has two long sides and two short sides. I then started a story such as: Once upon a time, there was a very small caterpillar. It was made of... (I then demonstrated a pattern of circles and rectangles). I then had them use their circles and rectangles to make a caterpillar.

Topics: Alternating Patterns and Shape

Content Area: Algebra

COR items:
B - Solving Problems With Materials
Q - Listening To and Understanding Speech
R - Using Vocabulary
S - Using Complex Patterns of Speech

NAEYC connection: 2.F.03 - Children are provided varied opportunities and materials to categorize by one or two attributes such as shape, size, and color.

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